Tuesday, May 15, 2018

#372: The Scorpion Rod

may 14 2018 jerusalem
israel massacres 58 59
spastidigitating their trigger
they murder 58 59
defending the homeland
which they grabbed
quite recently actually
subjugating already-there ones
from the desert heat of Kings
greased up nice
and snarling with US steel

god knows by what  magic
they reason what they do

but we are in GEHENNA now
i promise you

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Three hundred seventy-one: A stopping place

this could be the end
when we will have had
our last birthday party
our last
easter-egg clusterfuck on the lawn
(from which children sent home in tears
questioned later by law-enforcement
in search of much-retarded signs)

because I see
I perfectly well see that
you are not human
and cannot be destroyed
by any craft that we here possess

that you so durably subsist
as to be immortal
undying as the humerus
of an archaeotherium
or of one of its teeth

but perhaps you cannot see
that that rule
goes exactly double for me

not that it is any comfort

but an archaeotherium is a pre-historic sloth

Friday, April 6, 2018

#370: PAUSE

how many pearls
can you throw before a swine?
until today I had thrown

if i throw one more
zero will have changed
except the number

speaking pearls to power
is insane

but I do perceive
a difference however slight
between doing so
and not
which is not saying a lot
by Gargamel

Thursday, April 5, 2018

#369: MEMORANDUM (edited for attention-span)

Pruitt facing mounting mental prot scrut!
of lapses iron mental Wednesday
White House presssexretary uck! said
 he’s done a particular gidley
a puty White House Fox he can’t speak
Pressure Thursday after abuse
sirens  cut through
unusually large ass demoted or forced

IF Pruitt exists, he will have such burf
in disgrace first mention contempt refusing
turn over attempts
to roll to roll back ions
he ate hange and squalid swathes of scientific research
in flavor-industry back-science
Yes his mini whinges
his pending use of holes
he rises and slinks to lobby

AND here are items, three, 
to give a sense of just what kinds
of actions 

1. Washington housing arrangement.
At the center of his balloon
a sweetheart deal to rent a room
in luxury fossil-dusty arrangement
broke his adult daughter
But those they did not
got a sweetheart pipeline-extension deal

2. A shady deal
fraudulent hook fault
to a dog shed Thursday in Salon
then Oklahoma flipped
selling it major
selling it right to the wall

3. Unapproved raises.
Pruitt use a hole
in the safe water
Act two: longtime rejects
their quest for ludes
a provision that allows them
to bypass people intrudes
exasperated channel

next time: 20 more actions!

Monday, April 2, 2018


how was your fried meat
did you share it with somebody?

did you pile on the cat poop?


Sunday, April 1, 2018

#367: EASTER

you should be gibbon-flipped
and promoted to the rank of sausage

...but there's no time for that right now
because it is easter and spring
is running onstage with her pants down:
is in labor

yes that same Corrina

but this time she carried these kids to term
they will come out gooey
but soon turn fluffy
and very soon set about
busting my balls

so happy easter you
flagrant wad of

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


the shriveled zygote swims
from place to place
in error
the balding zygote
with prenatal luxury
walks weirdly
from flesh to flesh
in questionable form

no one will ever tell the stunted zygote
the truth
about zygotes
that they could never be
as veiny and hairless as he

he will float on, content,
through corridors flooded with light
and redolent of janitorial smells


Monday, March 26, 2018


now the senator named after
butt-sex discharge
recommends that survivors of gun-
take a class in CPR

whereas i escape that sad reality
by imagining
all the first-family incest-porn
that is bound to hit the market

and am comforted by this
at least relatively innocent

Sunday, March 25, 2018

#364: JOHN B (throwback)

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Saturday, March 24, 2018


Wow you will have engineered for yourself
the biggest imaginable fail
that is to say your fuck-up
will be so large scale
everybody on earth will know, and be glad they are not you
even motherfuckers in jail
for life will be like: gee
i'm really glad i'm me

Friday, March 23, 2018


Ashbery’s sphinx-like witticism
defied translation into Latin
that fine day
when freedom had previously been glimpsed
in that inappropriate piece of advice
delivered sagely
but intended merely
as a compliment
rather a blank compliment
as if by means of autofill

I remember it was unseasonably cold
on the English Dept. steps
I had my jacket buttoned all the way up
and it was fall
and shit
from all around
was coming down hard

Thursday, March 22, 2018

#361: TRANCE

in the middens of the night
he rise
to barefoot tiptoe
on the frosty grass

he try crazy things

and then he tiptoe back

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


the Austin bomber
has blode hisself up
at last what a sick
son of a bitch
and secondarily what a waste
of demolitions

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


for C. L. W.

Stay with me muse whilst with these leaves
I strive to stanch the viscous flow, drainage
of uncouth compounds, plasmoid outcome,
whose current bears within it many globs,
within each glob a smudge, within each smudge
a plague of particulars.
          Stay, impatient muse.
But swear we shall not speak of origins.
But let us rather leaf through catalogues
          and lists
that bear within them means to other lists,
each thing within each list a hellish spore
         And, muse, make legible to me,
in pulsing craniovascular veins,
not to mention shattered brains, the vast
proliferation of things,
and of every accident the discharge total.

Monday, March 19, 2018


...quod nequeunt oculis rerum primordia cerni
accipe praeterea quae corpora tute necessest
confiteare esse in rebus nec posse videri

...since the beginnings of things do not appear to sight
you must also learn of bodies which you, even you,
confess are things, but which no one can see
Lucretius, De rerum natura I. 268-271

such as manuscript
      the archetype

no one gets to see
the archetype


and yet 
its body
sublimely dispersed
brushes against your
dying  flesh
even now

Saturday, March 17, 2018

#357: WARNING, after Thomas Moore

Sublime was the warning that Liberty spoke,
Wild were her words on that day.
Soft went her feet though the pillars of smoke
As sunlight began to decay.

And weird were her words when we tried to recall
What Liberty had said.
Was she was a banshee after all?
Whose speech was meant for the dead?

Friday, March 16, 2018

#356: freak-lizard

did you see that
sneaking up

to eat
the city?

why didn't you say something

Thursday, March 15, 2018

#355: Upon the Ides of March

you are a bold man and an unlyckly
to be roaming at large
in the sun
the people among
like an orc
separated from his group
at the museum

you are a brave man
to be so much in view
with such crowds of people
all around
who hate you

but then I never knew much about psychology
and cannot understand or guess
what goes on
in such a flagrant head

but I suppose I am witnessing
a fucking prodigy

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

#354:The Definition of Hell

It is hell to write a poem
just as it is sometimes hell
to lie
to an animal

there is no one to forgive you
for such an act

you can follow the poor beast
in tears with demonstrations
of remorse ad infinitum
but you will always be guilty

their indifference
will never release you
from that

Sunday, March 11, 2018

#353: ffartt


is how it is spelled
I assure you

Saturday, March 10, 2018


"If Lucan had lived, he would probably have improved greatly." Macaulay

he had barely enough time
as it was 
he found it necessary to combine 
the epic framework
and the heart's lament
his magnum opus with 
his juvenilia
before the right hand
of once-great Rome
commenced to apply its blade

its very own
directly to its vitals

and it was carving still
when Nero made him retract
turn on his friends
rat out his mother
then kill himself
leaving himself foerever exposed
to the facile commentary
of bystanders

I call that living

Friday, March 9, 2018

#351: Canadian

I GUESS Canadian cataloguing-in-publication data
does not care when publication occurred if ever
I mean I am looking at the t.p. verso
of Irving Layton, For My Neighbors in Hell
and I get 

Layton, Irving, 1912-
For my neighbors in hell
ISBN 0-88962-111-X bd. ISBN 0-88962-112-8 pa.
I. Title.
PS8523.A98F67    C811'.54     C80-094126-8

and a warning not to reproduce.
a shout out to Canada Arts Council.
 ⓒ Irving Layton [n.d.]
cover design: Ludwig and Susanna.
bound in Canada.
printed on Canadian paper.
but nothing
other than the ravings of the poet himself
to indicate that any of this took place
at any one time
and it's bugging me, Mr President.
It's bugging me.

I remember distinctly buying this book
in London
summer of 2015
66 The Brunswick
off Marchmont

otherwise I would not be sure this book
even existed or
that I was alive
these things are important

good one, Irving

Thursday, March 8, 2018

#350: Real-Time Satire of Unknown Contingencies

Shall I mutate accordingly?
I shall not mutate accordingly.

MARCH 8, 20000000018
i have seen all the meems
and all the giffys
it's supposed to snow later
there's a big blue moon like an adderall pill
stay away from the zero key it multiplies
out of control.
Well, am I contagious?

How many beers until the president
is out of my face?
how many songs will it take to void this place
and give the vote
back to the people?
I don't know if it's a fire wall
or a wonder wall
or a borderwall
Kim Wall
but I love you all

Molly: "after you die
everyone will be reading you."
I shall be like that Viking chief
whose teeth were contagious after death
Orkneyinga Saga.
Don't believe me? THink
I'm being facetious? google it
if you are so incredulous.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


'Have you built your ship of death?'
have you rehearsed pronouncing 'shibboleth'
have you memorized your recipe for meth
have you composed your death-haiku
your proprietates mortis? Have you?

Have you put your shoes by the door
have you opened the windows and swept the floor
have you lain awake for your cruelties, grave or         slight?
cataloguing crimes? chanting names in the night?
have you heeded those summonses as is right?

Are you prepared for the sirens bright and hard
the headlights that will pull into your yard?

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


security clearance
your upgrade
is almost nigh

have cleared a bench
for your lily-white
ass, it is no lie

and when MINOS starts
and roaring
you can sail right by

to be continued

Monday, March 5, 2018


but it isn't universal magic

tense rigidus
tension intentio
tenterhooks suspensus
tenure possessio

the memory resting
with awesome sharks
water bearing your weight
but it isn't a universal memory
though it is ancient
and if you
already forgot it
you're going to be rather tense
rather soon

IF the magic applies to you

immo rigidus
immo mox

either way:
ad aeternum

Sunday, March 4, 2018


Grettir Asmundarson's
chopped-off head
didn't bring much luck
to his killer

It wasn't hard to guess
that Thorbjorn Ongul
had the benefit of someone's witchcraft
when he attacked an already-dying man

Thorbjorn had to travel
all the way to Byzantium
before he could fearlessly
tell his tale

and even then someone overheard him:
Thorstein the Galleon
split his skull
down to the jaw

Saturday, March 3, 2018


not as intense
the further out you get
from the carnival hub
the centre of the bone meat
this applies to road trips
sometimes love
sometimes poetry

but you can't dwell long
on the marrow of the marrow
the atoms of my beings
which is the atoms of atoms
and they had better be:

since the atom can't any longer be called
with etymological clarity
an atom:
that is I can see light
between it

Thursday, March 1, 2018

#344: serpens formosa

Teeth hurt for retarded snake
Daniel has feelings
Eats rats

Mind hurt for hungry snake

He has disappeared
Gone into the heart

But he will return
Alive to me one day
All black formosa

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


iambic containment
                        with sad eyes
the poor fellow looks on
not understanding while I dig into
his super supper utterly blinded
it is not my first encounter with a phoenix
rising from the acid

riveted by uncouth paradoxes
perhaps the executioner expects us
to understand him, his underground
workplace Abhorson
the quintessence of correction
the rootspace where stands the bladed wheel

glutted with human sausage the inferior critic
thinking for all of us now who stay to watch
the delicate warping of words
Abhorson rules the vats
and rules the wheel upon its axle
my head my tongue  Abhorson
already talking the nonsense talk
of the dead

Monday, February 26, 2018

#342: Ex ungue leonem / Beauty's stresses

Ancient Rome in the Middle Ages: grandeur, antiquity,
After all this time textuality is not yet a word
my computer will acknowledge. Fuck it acknowledges.
What you get if you were born
during papyrus embargo: strange doubts
assail one,
a deep sense of the fleeting nature of things.

So textual criticism: what is it?
Is it all about the future
or is it looking for a place to die?

I ask this, the implications of this,
and of that I in Virgil the Middle Ages used:
Virgil: poetry , texts, history.
Because weird things crop up.
Virgil Vergil really.
Orthographical questions turd up everywhere.
Not to mention error.

Adam Scrivein:
The faulty scribe is thematic
of textual transmission
debate between body and soul
contagion and spirit

But wait O genetrix Aeneadis
wait, nocturnal hippos of the night---
we’re not even to the Visigoths yet
not even to Ausonius
not even to the hour of night
that is the
silent entangler of beauty’s tresses! 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

#341: couplet

burlap scrota
sweeping through charnel realms

Friday, February 23, 2018

#340: Cur etiamnuc cano?

cur, canule, cano carmen
cum dissolvet mundus iste
quis audiet aut quis leget
cur etiamnunc cano triste?

vado tibi tacite
etiamnunc amo te
mox dormiens
nox invadens

absolve, parvule,
istud carmen, canule,

amabo te!

why little dog to i sing a song
while this so-called world dissolves?
who will listen or who will read?
why even now do i sadly sing?

i come to you quietly
i love you even now
soon sleeping
night in-creeping

forgive, little one,
this so-called song, little dog
entering sleep


Thursday, February 22, 2018

#339: Butter Krust confessio and unction

gorgeousness has always been  my curse
made in usa
roaring products spring
directly into my hand
like a punch in the face
or the head
when i lie dying i am sure i will smell
Butter Krust Bread
such gorgeousness having always been
my downfall and my curse

but at least I can chuck that piece of card stock
that institutional stationery that
cast such a spell
nor recycle its pulp for tenuous inane futurity
but chuck it in the garbage
where patterns also reveal themselves
look into it who will

but I shall have entered Butter Krust Country
à la dernière fois

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

#338: tired

i am tired of your website
i am tired of the brownshirt aesthetic you have given it
i am ultimately disgusted by your
jutting chin
clearly you have been
checking out footage
of the Duce

still, I do not look forward to the newsreel
in which you effect
your final imitation
of that colossal ape
when he is dragged back into town
from his retreat
and his chin at last is upside down

Monday, February 19, 2018

Sunday, February 18, 2018

# 336: Negative Fucks

broken suns
and well smashed urns
fragments and shards

children of tomorrow:

find them in their beds
put a glock to their heads

drown the bunnies
drown the bunnies

for it is the time
of negative fucks

BONUS text

Saturday, February 17, 2018

# 3 3 5: Monstra glaebosa

it is the time of lumpy monsters
contriving. in great freedom.
on the banks of a river. in the moonlight.
engorged with blood.
and contriving

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

#333: hvd: for Molly

for my part
my heart is like
a restless squid, hyperintelligent
escaping from his dark area

to answer the tentacular
coming from the depth
of your
stormy tank

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

#332: Sanguinis erit

no kind of sack
or whatsoever container
can contain
such blood
for long

Monday, February 12, 2018

#331: Pulvus erit

terrorist love, caritas
will not at all to quietness be wed
but chaos
the child of all the negligent
bastardy of previous days
will be the unspecific groom

whether by some act of sabotage
or silent attack
her ravishment is almost nigh

Sunday, February 11, 2018


Zeus fathers Helen as a swan
no rebirth: humans leaving
non-human wombs

humans having non-human
divine or bestial wounds
Helen a microcosm of guaranteed ruin

Argive men the vital fluid
of the horse: transmitted
to the womb of Troy

when she leaves the egg:
first of two births
incubates in Troy and is reborn

as a Greek

Trojan culture is aborted

Saturday, February 10, 2018


Perhaps it is true:
I have been so focused on Pratinas’ 
epichormon against the encroachment of the flute
in choral accompaniment
merely because I am avoiding writing
the necessary poem:

the one that 

Friday, February 9, 2018

#328: Invocation to DIONYSIACA

from the Greek of Nonnus

SING goddess the bright burning mess-
enger of the CRONIDAI
the breathless labour brought on by thunder
the electrical storm in Semele’s bridal bed—
               report on the birth
of twice-born BACCHUS whom Zeus his father         plucked
half-formed from the fire —goo-covered baby—
how painfully he cut a cavity in his thigh
and carried him there, father and noble mother      both
not unmindful of a previous pregnancy—
     when his head gave birth
having an unbearable and unbegotten lump
enlarging his cranium
until it burst
and shot forth burning in her armor bright

Thursday, February 8, 2018


meet me atop vulture mountain
to dance about
on  the bone-bed
and contemplate
the fleshless moon

I’ll be the one
dressed as a vulture

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

#326: deep totals

computed sans reason
perpetual counting
even while we sleep
in several worlds

and while we are awake
near the ocean floor
it is hemorrhaging mathematics

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

#325: process

standing on the shoulders
of mutants

following in the footsteps of the dead

under ice-cold thicknesses of stars

i scraped my head

and awakened

like a blind sardine
in the night

with the night itself
flopping on the shore

to be continued

Monday, February 5, 2018

# 324: panic

but you have no right to insist
that poetry make sense
that you be able
to grasp it
to eat it
or suck it out of a box
or bite it off a bone

that panic of yours
is strictly your own

# 323: time

bong bong bong
Bong bong bong
Boong boing bung

 animals are incredible
at all times
they lurk

Friday, February 2, 2018


eavesdropping on ancient conversations
is not that enlightening
neither are a lot of things

              e)nqusia/zeiv: the god is in you.

They, in typical Athenian fashion, started talking
their heads off
in various tenses
and aspects.
Tense is like trajectory;
aspect is like pedal-work. As in:

        "Be careful who is helping
        you throw up."

Or else:

Having persuaded up his friends (a)napei/sav)
from elsewhere (a)/lloqen)
(he had always been trying to convince them (e)pei/qen)),
he outlined his plan:

“You wait around
until I have

      He’s an aristocrat
      and he means to seize power.

When the time was lunch
they grew up until
something should eat them.

       The pig is already dead,
       but even if it were a goat
       it would never have counted
       in the sacrifice.
       Get another
       but hurry the place is filling up fast.

Solitary divergence on a point
of physical law
is nothing on which to found
a theory of liberty—
but maybe it is.

        the moon offers a blessing:
       wisdom for the moment of death.
       Still, I dare not accept it.

the old men were like
trapped in a crowded room

    STRANGER, go and be announcing to the Lacedaimonians
    we are a dithery race
    quite passive barbarians.

Don’t say anything else.

I am going.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

#321: adversary

sleepy-eyed orange butt-troll
effecting fart-storms in the lower air
toxic entertainer
of degenerates

fast-food fascist
of adipocere

 sick bird fat
from years
of eating garbage

* i am talking to you *

...i get it i really do
i understand why they love your guts!

they remember as i do too
a broken-down fun-house
at some amusement park or fair
to which a deep and inexplicable
infinitely painful nostalgia

identify strongly with all that abuse

even in mad old age
and in your rage
you will never try to rob them of that thing
in their fists

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

#320: De dialectica

my dialect is standard
goofy American English

my baseline is deracinated Texan

from which by pure exertions
i may rise to either
universal-historian-struck-blind-by-forest animals
or work myself up to

or sink
to the abysmal depths of

but these are all only minor variants
of standard goofy American English

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

#319: deranged body

ill deposits of tooth
and bone

turgid tongue

assemblage of death

in fact, a wilderness
of wasted flesh

to gorge the great sarcophagus

Monday, January 29, 2018

#318: let me guess

the states of the unions is
can I borrow your stapler?
gfhnỾꜴꝟꝰklm'l e




Sunday, January 28, 2018

#317: le minuscule testament

the bastards whose total destruction
has by no means been called off
yet lose no opportunity
to deaden the dead
to enroll their bitter testaments
in sheets of lead

even you Master Villon
would be downgraded, as if
they had a clue,
from murderer to petty thief:
you who well could discern
when wolves had only wind to eat

my testament and my prediction:
the bastards' hiding place shall be
their final address,
where no amount of quietness
can hide their wind-borne corruption
or cancel their total destruction

Saturday, January 27, 2018

#316: everything fades

but dynamite of a certain age
such as we have sown
is unpredictable

its voice pierces rock
and bone

#315: aestuans rubeta

seething red
to burn, eating through
the cobalt hue

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

#313: Opulentia sordida

both the food and the housekeeping
     in the printer's house
were beyond description miserable
yet there is good reason to suspect
that i am exaggerating
inasmuch as the scurrilous polemic of Alberto Pio
of Capri
could not possibly
go unanswered

because with my last dying breath
by christ
i will defend from all attacks both the housekeeping
and the food

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

312: boustrophedon continua

y o u r b o u s t r o p h e d o n
Ꮧ U ꟻ W A ɘ t i u p ƨ i ɐ u n i t n o ɔ
n o n e e d t o c o n t i n u e t h i s
Y ⅁ O Ꮧ O H T A ꟼ W O Ɔ ᗡ A M
B A D S P E E D T H E P L O W 
И O ᗡ Ǝ H ꟼ O Я T Ƨ U O ᙠ Я U O Y И M A ᗡ
p l z  s t o p

Monday, January 22, 2018

#311: i think i've got it

puerile jokes
at the expense of doubters
and  boners
at the expense of donors

Sunday, January 21, 2018


interesting deposits of poetry
embedded in the irony
yes but not a shitload
hands bleed
from massive clean-up jobs
completed by ones not subject to extermination

their clothes are funny
but they have no bells, and weave no spells
they die from myriad minor ills

it’s OK to laugh
however no magic shields us either
from that hilarity

Saturday, January 20, 2018

#309: ☠ dangerous loads ☠

keep 1O0O0ft. away!
corrosive metal lode
chemicals under pressure
highly flammable asshole!
keep away

do not inhale! lung damage!
mess you up

stand clear of opening:
powerful suction
a most powerful suction

Friday, January 19, 2018

#308: a detour regarding the Greeks

Roman culture did bear striking
resemblances to the conquered
and here we are
at the Ara Pacis, power, and visibility thereof,
economically irrational, a series
of unplanned consequences
like the mare nostrum’s shoreline
constantly unfolding
unfolds all the way to Africa if you want.
Seriousness there, of a kind we no longer have,
unfolds as well, 
like eating the tetrax
cosmos collapsing into contingent

a model of the Ara Pacis not twenty paces from the Ara Pacis.

my friend plucks a wad of paper
from the ear
of Marcus Agrippa,
hands it to security guard
which I remember thinking
was very nicely done

Thursday, January 18, 2018

#308: Exemplum: Arthur and Gorgalon

if you suddenly hug and kiss your wife
for no reason
o high-spirited prince
be warned:
you might have to  ride out
to seek
the Werewolf King

and then the lord knows what you'll find out

to be continued

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

#307: fire puzzle

we can't finish the
fire puzzle!

because it is too hot
and because the cat
keeps jumping in
the middle of it

and running away
laughing and laughing

purzle pices burning holes
in the carpet

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

# 306: Disaster

do you know
what a disaster is?

it’s not a catastrophe
it’s not a mishap
or a calamity
nor yet is it a clusterfuck

it’s not a meltdown
it’s not annihilation
it’s not property damage
nor is it the reduction of cities
to rubble

nor is it death
in some unheard of magnitude

a disaster is when
the stars
come unglued

Monday, January 15, 2018

#305: Heretic

do you know what i do to heretics?
their life being forfeit
they dwell in absolute freedom
within the realm of my sadism
and in no necessary hurry
so i take things slow
we go out for gelato

but soon we are back in my chambers
where we watch tv

and almost without their knowing it
i manage to gorge them on
cookies of joy until their stomachs
are painfully distended

then warm them under an electric blanket for about
36 hours
after which  they are bled
into one of Dale's ceramic bowls

(put bowl of blood aside for later use)

then I further immobilize them with great doses
of tawny port
laced with heroin

then I have sex with them
and then I forgive them
and then...
into the fire
for literal purification

but in your case I will make an exception:

we'll skip the sex
and also the forgiveness

for i know you are studious of results

Sunday, January 14, 2018

# 304: my trobairitz

i miss my trobairitz
the lord knows in what castle
she is staying 
or what she's singing or to whom
but i suspect she's somewhere
singing and playing
to an audience struck dumb with adoration

nevertheless i'm glad she's away:
this being the case at least i know
i won't stumble into the presence of one
whose face if glimpsed without warning
plunges me 
into such uncertainty
and strikes me dumb with adoration

her graceful smile is sharp as a blade
on whom she bestows it is granted
the boon of a quick death
even though that mercy
as i can attest
seems to drag on forever

or could attest were i not struck 
dumb with adoration

Friday, January 12, 2018

#303: werewolfery

 the first time i ever saw
'Les Lupins' by Maurice Sand 
the etching from 1853:
in the San Antonio Public Library
George Washington Carver Branch

I lay on the carpet
scanning the illustrations 
in Georgess McHargue
Meet the Werewolf, Lippincott 
Philadephia and New York
page 8, age 11

eight or nine lanky creatures
on their hind legs, leaning on a desolate wall
in small groups (though one stood by himself)
in the moonlight
beneath it the caption
'a nighttime gathering of French werewolves'

i myself was eight or nine:
i have never been the same
or rather I should say: i remain now
in the moment of that sight

Thursday, January 11, 2018

# 302: Chant of the Dead

shit hole countries
shit hole countries
shit hole countries of the dead

down at the cunt-root
that pierces my head
wide awake in my shitty bed

swarming from our shitty holes
and up from the shit hole country of the dead
there is one promise that is said

an underground burrito made of lead
down by the cunt-root that pierces my head
shall be your bed

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

# 301: inhuman environments

i can no
longer deal with
retail space

or any
sales environments

    those blinding
    planets of pain

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

# 300: The Werewolf's Lament

New York is changing. I've been around a long time and I'm not saying everything was better when Manhattan was a bunch of farmsteads with drunken Hessians beating at your door, but things always do seem to change for the worse. Have you ever eaten a crack fiend? Of course you haven't. They taste like a burning tire.

to be continued

Monday, January 8, 2018

#299: End of Days and 'Anger is Brief Madness'

Anger is brief madness: Seneca. 

Vidius Pollio do you feel better
having thrown that slave into the new piscinia 
with your lampreys in full bloom
attaching themselves to his vitals?
I hope so because
having witnessed that display
Augustus is going to plow your villa
completely under

His monuments decay, and death comes even to his marbles and his names: Ausonius.

That is one is torn between savage anger and trying 
a little to enjoy the end of things like Ausonius.

    Errantes silva in magna et sub luce maligna
    inter harundineasque comas gravidumque papaver
    et tacitos sine labe lacus, sine murmure rivos,
    quorum per ripas nebuloso lumine marcent
    fleti, olim regum et puerorum nomina, flores.

and if we call on Helen:

    They wander in deep woods, in mournful light,
    Amid long reeds and drowsy headed poppies
    And lakes where no wave laps, and voiceless streams,
    Upon whose banks in the dim light grow old
    Flowers that were once lamented names of kings.

Poetry or terrorism 
manners and men?

choose one

mutate accordingly

Sunday, January 7, 2018

#298: Death Sketch

o tiny-faced frozen velvet pill
with all four hands upraised
in that soft medieval gesture
of sorrow:
palms facing out together

o pink-footed tunneler
how regal this winter's brutal cold
has kept your blue black coat

above ground on my farm my guest you will stay
rest on grass
until spring for I know not
what to do with a body
so regal
and so little subject to decay

Thursday, January 4, 2018

#297: Dropped

why Christopher decided to drop me as a friend
i cannot say
did I alienate him by sending him postcards
and poems
did i forward too many
--or too few--
doctored papal videos?

who knows

Nevertheless, i rejoice when I learn
that he is alive
and shedding his corruption
thoughout the Chicago area

and being a full-on

unlike some assholes
I could mention

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

# 296: time to go

there is a zombie display
in my brain
which is set to replay

i like it
i like it a lot

but it's killing me

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


molecules mutating
cells splitting
microbes popping

ice cracking

dogs barking




random objects are weaponized





Monday, January 1, 2018

# 294: spoon

my sternum hurts
wow my sternum
Doctor, my sternum
really hurts ow

'Aww, it's just your staples.'

O i forgot about them


DISCIPULUM: What is a saint?
MAGISTER: A saint is someone who tears a hole in reality from the outside.