Thursday, July 6, 2017

Poem 136: L Y R I X

I got "La figura di Eros"
in my head
I got byzantine jeff
in my head
I got Andronikos Contoblakas
in my head

and I owe a soul to the BAV

I got  “some pretty severe things” in my head

I got a big wet sofa
in my head
I got Argos's ear infection
in my head
I got a blackberry bramble
in my head

and one of the goats is losing weight

I got  “some pretty severe things” in my head

I got the USA
in my head
I got discount fireworks
in my head
I got a one-horned goat skull
in my head

and I haven't done my taxes yet

I got “some pretty severe things” in my head

I got a mutilated manatee
in my head
I got a neglected banjo
in my head
I got another dead rat
in my head


I got  “some pretty severe things”
in my head

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