Monday, October 30, 2017

# 236: Phenomena

October 30, 2017
I screen Phenomena (1985)
for the film class
it is the first one I have shown them to receive
their applause, plaudites discipulorum

and her friends:
jack with them
and as I have suggested elsewhere
in otras palabras
(Didaktikon of Death, 2003)
they will
they will render you

no teacher no youth no killer with glittering weaponry
 stands a chance
they may try to blame it on the föhn
(demons and witches
are always trying to shift the blame)
but it is Jennifer
who is the fault
in their plans

 her friends
primates and insects
responding to hormones
and heavy metal
will eat your face
arriving just in time
and wielding the requisite cutlery
for that meal

you who will always miss out
on that kind of love

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