Friday, August 4, 2017


Hear me demons of every kind
disfigured club-footed and blind
I am about to give commands
so    listen     carefully
to the sound of my words

all you spectral creatures
functionaries attached
to the twisted toxic snake
him in whose polluted wake
you all were pulled along
fully a third of heaven's lights
by the power of Solomon's seal
and the Pharaoh's damned magicians
I conjure you all
and banish you
in the name of all three wizard kings
Caspar    Melchior    Balthazar
and David who sedated Saul
and with his harping
put you all to flight
and drove your asses into everlasting night

I summon you hither
and bind you
on the authority of God:
be not so eager as heretofore
to molest us humans

present yourselves
for banishment
and so seek
with all desperate beings
your dwelling in CHAOS

I call you hither
to lock you in a state of terror
and trembling
for that day of judgement
that day of eternal discomfort
miserable day
of  always-dawning sadness
when you will be led into Hell
and we into salvation, finally

By the sublime unspoken name
the Tetragrammaton of God
may you shudder
and shiver

I exorcize you Larvae Fauns and Spirits
Nymphs Sirens and Hamadryads
Satyrs Incubi and Household Deities


seek your dwelling in chaos
and visit your corruption on us
no more

✠ As save us God from these degenerates ✠

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