Saturday, May 13, 2017

Poem 87: Roman Death Scan

from the Latin elegiacs of Petra Bellona Saeva, Musa Ignota 

Did you just scan my body sir
before the gods
I swear if you just scanned my body
I shall transform your carcass
into the randomest pile of sausages

and feed them back to the pigs
on the day you were born
they were cut
and it will be my pleasure

in accordance with my beliefs
and opinions
and commensurately
with my competence
I will then

use what remains of your example
on your daughter
if aught of her
remains ungrabbed

and your other daughter too

on both your sons

and as to your concubines, o yes
I will call down the Mouse God
to click on them aright

according as whether
you just now
scanned my body

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